Friday, March 6, 2009

Opt out of Sassy Mamas

I have felt it is best for me to opt out of Sassy Mamas Community. I do not feel that I can recommend it to any of my bloggy friends and readers.


Donna B said...


That was a hard thing for you to do. I know there are times when I have had to leave online groups because they just didn't match up with what I consider important.

Deni said...

Just curious (maybe because I am a member) why wouldn't you recommend it, feel free to shoot me an email, I would truly like to know.

Jeri Maxedon said...

oh, no! what happened...send me an email... i need to be sure that what i am supporting is genuine, too...

Heather@justdoingmybest said...

That takes courage and I appreciate your honesty with your readers.

Three Prince Designs said...

Please drop me an email so I know also whet is going on Sassy Mama and if I okay with it all and want to continue with them.

Thank you!